Tuesday, April 28, 2009


On my desk, in my office, I have a beautiful silver casting of the word "BELIEVE". Behind this word is a willow tree angel. It is the angel of courage. She is standing with her arms outstretched over her head in a show of victory. Alex, this is the same angel I bought you when you got your apartment in Weston. At the time, I didn't pay attention to her title of the 'angel of courage'. I viewed her as a woman, triumpantly raising her arms in celebration of her achievement.

The word "believe" has become my credo for this year. It makes sense in so many ways in my life. I believe I can save money, I believe I can lose weight, I believe I will meet the man of my dreams, and on a larger scale....I believe in magic! As adults, we often lose our belief in the magic that occurs in our lives every day. Alex, as round number 7 comes around, I hope you will believe in the magic of your body to heal itself and know that you are like this angel (I hope you still have her). You have been so courageous and as this round comes and goes, you can raise your arms in pride that you have continued this battle with such grace.

I will be thinking of you over the next week as you feel the effects of the treatment and I will think of you especially as I look at my desk top angel and hope you might look at your same one and believe as I do in the magic that is possible.

Love you tons,


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