Thursday, April 9, 2009

Happy Easter!

Hello my dear! This wasn't the picture I wanted to upload, but for some reason the one of the hummingbird wouldn't come through. I guess there must be a reason for the Supernova appearing instead, bu I'll leave that for you to ponder upon. I really loved the photos of James, such a lovely smile and curious little expression, he must be a real laugh to play with each day. Speaking of days, by now you'll have passed round #6, and that with flying colours, because as you admitted, you're not about to let this cancer thing get the better of you. I do think of you a lot as you continue the road towards full recovery, and I see by all the other blogs that you are in good company! As far as reading is concerned, if you haven't found 'Three Cups of Tea' yet, you might want to give it a try. It has nothing to do with illness, but a lot with life changes, and is very uplifting. I'll also nab Bon Jovi next time he comes home to Philly (!) and tell him how much he's helping you keep things together.... Much love to all of you, remember you're well on the way to victory, and spring is in the air.

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