Tuesday, April 28, 2009

deep breaths!


I wish I could write more, but am at work. I wanted to at least wish you all my best for you round 7 and meeting with Dr. Plowman. I can only hope the man with the magic eyes gives you the "medical boost" you need. We are all with you holding your hand and breathing long deep breaths with you. You've got this one kid-you are strong under all those tears. Believe that your body is healing itself-keep positive!

When mom arrives I will task her with being the portrait taker of you and James. I think she will enjoy the challenge!

Hugs and more hugs to you. You are beautiful and so very brave!That little boy has a lot to be proud of because his mom is a fighter!

Remember you've got nanny on your side as well, I believe she is in those wind blown clouds in the blue sky looking out for us all!


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