Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Good morning, Mrs. Murdoch!
I read your last post over and over and empathized with your assessment of the damn lymph node, but I also felt your stong conviction of what was really important - 1. visualizing wellness. 2. Breathing fresh air, 3. Being in a beautiful setting, full of life, with the two most important parts of your life - James and Julian.
It is interesting to note what other things people find important - important enough to advertise. For your perusal, I give you a sign on Jost Van Dyke. Given the fact that it is a small and relatively primative British island, I note that ice is to be considered a high priority. This may be strictly for the "boaties" who arrive in flotillas. We all know the Brits drink their gin without ice. Water is a commodity we all use, and need, as it is the very essence of life. Without it even the gin won't keep us going. But, tell me, how mango chutney arrived as what could be construed a staple according to this sign? Might it be that the chicken, left unrefrigerated for too long, has gone off and been turned into a curry, thus necessitating the chutney as a condiment? Preserves? I guess it is the only way to dress up casava bread, Johnnie cake, dumb bread and the simplest scone. But, it is the basil that rocks me! Basil? A single herb worth advertising on a sign most definitely created by a graphic designer. Basil? Does everyone make spagetti sauce on Jost, or on every bareboat?
How much basil do you think the Ice House sells? More Basil than ice? Than water? Than mango chutney? Than marmalade? Next time I am on Jost, I am going to walk in back of the Custom's House in hopes of witnessing fields of basil! Do ya think?! In retrospect, I'll bet there is ganja planted in amongst the basil which serves as a red herring.
And so it goes - a look into what is important and where.
Keep walking in Holland Park. As the seasons peak and change, it will give you hours and days and weeks and months of pleasure, and it will be fun to watch James's cheeks turn tan with summer, apple-rosy with fall and bright red with the brisk snap of winter, only to begin the cycle again next spring! Visualize.
Save me some English spring! Will be comin' your way on the 15th of May! Hey! Hey! LSC

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