Thursday, April 2, 2009

don't let the turkeys get you down!


I am sorry the cumulative treatment is making the recovery harder. It must be difficult to pull yourself through emotionally and physically when you mentally you ask yourself, "is all this suffering worth it? can I do this? can I survive another month of this?" But because you are determined and strong headed and hearted you will go on with the fight. You are doing great because you are surviving! And that is what you are hell bent on doing, right?

I can't tell you what an inspiration you are to me in my triathlon training (Vicki, race day is June 14). You are gutting it out on one side of the Atlantic and I on the Pacific. There are times I am strong and feel great swimming, biking, running. And then there are times that I want to turn back or cut my workout short and then you pop into my head and I trudge on because you do. You are a great training companion, I only wish you were out there with me instead of inside, but in time that will change and you will be out on picnics and a bike ride again!

Weekly humor: On a bike ride last weekend a giant turkey stopped myself and another biker dead in our tracks. The turkey paused, looked at us and I thought to myself is this where the "why did the chicken cross the road" joke started? And then I thought, maybe this is where the saying "Don't let the turkeys get you down" originated. Whatever the case to haev a stare down with a turkey on a quiet country road was pretty amusing. The turkey then looked forward and continued crossing the road.

On another bike ride, I tested the limits of daylight and set off on for quick climb before dark into the Headlands near the Golden Gate Bridge. At the top of the climb, I paused to contemplate if I could go down the very steep back side and make it back around the mountain in time to make it through the tunnel that leads you can back into Sausalito before the sun set. I wasn't sure, but the fresh air, colored sky and greener pastures that would play out before me on my return made me take the risk. Descending quickly I thought, "yes, this was the wrong choice, but I can't very well turn around. This is where Alexis pushes the limits and makes bad choices. Near the bottom I realized my time was limited and the valley proved a little darker and colder than atop the mountain. (yes, that is an obvious one, but not to all of us, clearly!). So pedaling like hell I started to make my way back and up in the distance I saw a smart biker with a light on his bike and blinking ones on his back and I thought, "that is the guy I need to ride through the tunnel with!" So I rode even harder determined to catch him and every time he slowed down, I sped up right until we hit the tunnel and I followed him through the dark to the light again! Phew, lesson learned....biking fast really pays off! Ha! Kidding, will invest in bike lights!

Lastly, I was at my Master's swim class the other night. April 1. April Fool's Day! Is that just an American holiday?! So there's the guppy, half out of breath from the sprints and half deaf from the swim wax in my ears and my coach says, "Ok, now I want you to swim 650 mtrs in 16." The group, paused, looked around at each other and cracked up." Am I deaf or dumb?! Apparently a little of both in this class since I can never hear what he is saying and swimmer's lingo still has not caught on with me! This was the coach's attempt at an April Fools Day joke for swimmers. The jokes continued with everyone in joint laughter, I put my head under water and laughed to myself wondering what I was doing in this class~!

Danda, I love you. Stay strong. You are strong even though you feel weak. You get me through tough times, think of me when you need to get through yours.

Chrissy, I will add your song suggestions to Danda's music mix. Danda, will work on it this weekend!

Vicki, get out on that run!! I love you! Chiara, continue on with spreading humor in the house since we both know you are better at it! Julian, Marco and Anthony keep being sweet to our girls!


1 comment:

  1. April's Fool day is international. In Italy, it's called Pesce d'Aprile, that is, April's Fish. No idea why.
