Saturday, April 18, 2009

James' fan club

Hi Panda,

James is eight months old! Time surely passes quickly. And he's such a big boy, with his 98 percentile for height and 90 for weight! You and Julian must be proud of the good work you're doing with him!

Last week, I left the blog open on my computer in the office on my favorite picture of James (James and Joy) and when the receptionist from downstairs stepped in to bring mail, she happened to see it. She was mesmerized! She told me she had never seen such a beautiful baby and asked who he was. I told her she was looking at my nephew. It felt really good to say "my nephew", as if I had any doing in his existence and magnificent looks! Then she asked about his parents (she caught on that I can't take credit here!), I showed her your picture at the top of the blog ("what a beautiful cousin you have!") and one of Julian (the one that Eve posted some time ago). Her comment was, "He's handsome too!" with a tone that implied, "With such parents, no wonder he's such an amazing baby!". Then she asked to see more pictures of James, so I browsed the blog and showed her some more pictures, in particular my second favorite (James March 2009) and she was even more fascinated. One of these days I'll show her the giggling video, I'm sure she'll love it. Tell James that his fan club in Italy is growing!

On a different note, I liked the feel your last posts gave. I monitor the way you feel through your blog posts (like a "mood thermometer") and, as you know, mood is contagious. When I sense strength, determination, courage, some peace of mind in your words, I'm really happy for you and feel better at least the whole day I catch the post. Keep up the good work!


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