Wednesday, April 8, 2009

you inspire me!

Chrissy, I remember that verse. Mom, in her most theatrical voices, would recite it and I love the images it conjured up. A children's army marching forward. I loved it! Danda, perhaps James needs a copy of A Child's Garden Verses?

Danda, inspired by your round 6 treatment I went for a run last night. Not just any run. A run that was driven by your fortitude. You are an inspiration to me and everyone in your life. Your resolve to keep fighting and pull yourself out of those dark moments shows the bravery in the highest!

The run: I felt the odds of making this run were against me. I stayed at work later than I had planned. The bus never came so I was forced to take another one (which would mean I would have to ride my bike to pick up my car at the bus stop I had planned to get off at), gray clouds were building in the distance and it was getting dark. By the time I reached home I was tired, had a slight headache and my ipod was dead. I turned to the door in defeat. I had talked myself out of the run. But then "ding" you popped into my head and I saw you facing your round 6 treatment and in the end putting on a strong face and no doubt getting yourself to the hospital to have the chemical cocktail administered. And then, I turned around and started my run, I thought of you the whole time and what you must be going through and I ran harder and farther than I had to date. YOU INSPIRE ME to keep going when I may not want to! Thank you and I pray you are not suffering greatly this time around. You deserve all the happiness in the world and I can hope it comes your way when the chemo treatment ends.

Like you need any affirmation, but James is the most adorable child ever. He looks wise beyond his years and is certainly the light at the end of the tunnel. Give him a big, hug and kiss for me and tell him he is as strong as his mother!

All my love,

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