Wednesday, April 29, 2009



You make me so proud to stand by your side and support you as you continue to push through all that stands in your way. I could see your mind speaking in your last post after meeting with Dr. Plowman. And then I could see your body talking as you tucked yourself in for your upcoming hibernation.

We will take each day...each month as they come to make you whole and well and get you into remission. Believe it can happen. I believe it can. I think we ALL believe it can if you keep fighting. If that boob can shrink-miracles will never cease. That lymph node doesn't know what its in for!

Curl up. Let your body rest. We will be here when your strength returns. Spring will greet you with open arms and envelope you with warmth and fresh air. We send you hugs until then.

You are a strong woman who will get better. Enjoy the peonies I am sending you!

Lots of love,


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