Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Sleep and be Art

Hi there,
I know that these are the good days in between rounds and you don't need to sleep so much, but I ran into this funny thing this morning and I thought to share nonetheless. Sleeping has become an art, according to the Chinese artist Chu Yun. She is touring the world with an exhibition of sleeping women. She uses volunteers
between the ages of 18 and 40, who take a sleeping pill before their performance. Then they lie in beds in the museum and... sleep! People walk around them and look at them sleep admiring the craftsmanship of such beautiful art works! The picture above is from one of such exhibitions. If you'd like to see more, go to, then navigate to "list of works".
Sleeping beauty brought to a completely new level, made voyeristic, and laughed at! Brilliant!


  1. I'd volunteer with no pill and why would I not make a good candidate at age 69, pray tell. Half the fascination would be the study of wrinkles - facial as well as sheets!

  2. I completely agree about the wrinkles! In fact, not-so-young faces are the most interesting and fun to draw! Aging is a very artistic thing to do in life.
