Thursday, April 30, 2009

money-grubber gourmet!

I thought now would be a great time for Alessandra's troops to do some surplus shopping while she sleeps and recovers from Round 7 of chemo. Since I had to dig for this website (I'm am now smarter and saved it to my Favorites on my computer and encourage you all to do the same), I thought I would make it easier for you all to click on the website and "take Alessandra out for a meal" or at least that is how I like to think of it. I mean, come on, for every big occasion don't we celebrate by going out to eat? or bringing home some fresh flowers?! So since "going out to eat" might not be in the cards at the moment, think of bringing food to her! Or letting her buy some fresh flowers that please the eye and awaken the senses when she is strong enough to venture out.

To make this fun, you can donate some money to the Whole Foods fund that Katherine and team have set up for the Priorelli-Murdoch household and then post a recipe for a healthful meal that they can go out and shop for! To remind everyone of the restrictions to her diet that she in place I am including her description of daily meals below, but I am sure we all have a recipe that includes chicken, fish, legumes or veggies or do some research online for quick and healthy meals and send it along! I will be sending a soup recipe when I get home tonight!

From an earlier post of Alessandra's:
Speaking of food, I have been asked about my new diet a lot, which I believe to be as crucial to my recovery as my chemo. Basically, I have completely eliminated dairy - I have soy milk (unsweetened) or rice milk in my cereal, and have been advised to try almond milk too as an alternative. All are acquired tastes, but not bad at all. Butter is now soy butter, cheese (my beloved cheese) is out. I have also eliminated refined sugar - the only sugar I have is in the form of fruit, or the occasional Manuka honey. Anything that lists sugar as an ingredient is a no go area right now, as cancer cells thrive on sugar, and so the f***ker is being starved. Another area that has been eliminated is red meat. So, I eat a lot of fish, and a lot of vegetarian dishes, with the occasional chicken or duck. I eat a huge amount of berries every day - blueberries, raspberries, strawberries... all of whose compounds are reported to make cancer cells commit suicide. My breakfasts are usually a cup of hot water and lemon, some green tea, followed by toast (spelt bread), a cup of organic muesli, and a banana. My mid morning snack is a home-made, freshly-made juice of carrots, broccoli, beetroot, and apple (sometimes I add celery and cucumber). Lunch is raw vegetables mostly - a salad of mixed greens, spinach leaves, red cabbage, tomatoes, avocadoes and mixed grains (quinoa, kidney beans, spelt, barley), and hummus and spelt bread. I sometimes have freshly made miso soup, or an egg or tofu omelette. Mid afternoon snack is again a freshly made vegetable juice (the "superfood" of my nutrition) and nuts (walnuts, almonds) and dried figs. Dinner is usually a concoction of roasted and/or steamed vegetables, curries, pulses, soups, fish/chicken, pasta.... I drink a ton of green tea, and I also have noni juice and aloe vera. My body has never been this healthy when it comes to nutrition. I am giving this my all. And I cannot begin to thank so many of you who I know have made this all the more possible by helping me get all of this organic goodness from Wholefoods.

So whenever you want to "send a treat" to Alessandra and her family, feel free to log onto this site and donate. If you want Alessandra to get a note with the donation, you can do that on the site next to where you enter the donation amount.

While your at it you can also make a contribution to the fight against breast cancer and help Vicki achieve her goal of raising money while running to support Alessandra in a 10k road race around London! Auntie, I wish I had a "10k time" to beat, but alas each run leaves me happy that I went out and gave it my all, but for kicks try to break 1:20?!



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