Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Dear All,

A quick update, having just come home from the hospital and having had Round #7 of chemo. Saw Dr. Plowman who has scheduled me for CT and Bone Scans on Monday 18th. The plan is to stick with these three week chemo cycles, but instead of my current big hit of I.V. adjuvant chemo one day every 21 days, I will be switched to a different oral protocol, which I will take in tablet form for 14 consecutive days, followed by a one week break. So, I will start that new set of cycles on Wednesday 20th, keeping to my three-week regimen. Regardless of what the scans show, I will be on that new chemo treatment - what will be up for discussion is how long for, but I predict at least 4 to 6 cycles. Surgery is off the table for now, as the push continues to be to eradicate the metastasis and to shrink everything as much as possible. He checked my boob and confirmed that that continues to shrink nicely, while the damn lymph node seems to be resisting the full effects of treatment. Based on the scan results, Dr. Plowman may want to combine my chemo with radiotherapy to the node. So, I just need to focus on having this last round do its work to the best of its ability, visualise like never before, and say my prayers as we count down to the scans this coming month.

Must go and lie down, and get prepped for the next few days of "hibernation", as I feel the beginnings of the side effects. But I will keep you posted as always. Hugs!

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