Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Feeling fine

Hi Panda,

Very nice to see you smiling and out in the sun! Even better is reading that you are feeling fine! What a wonderful word "fine", such a simple, humble word, and it means so much. It seems so easy to be "fine", yet it can take so much work.
I realize that your feeling fine is an unstable state, that can change anytime and there are always worries in the background, BUT you are feeling better, you got a break--and I'm sure this will recharge you so much in so little time!

This great news will get my good mood going at least until the end of the week :) I'm sure you'll take advantage of these good days to be outside in the sunny spring London is blessing you with. On a side note: the photo of James and Julian is so nice. James looks so much like Julian, he's so cute--and handsome, of course, like his father :)

A hug.

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