Monday, April 13, 2009


Ever since your aunt's post on Shackleton, I have not been able to get the image of that journey out of my mind. Specifically, its relevance to your journey. He HAD to have had moments of tremendous fear or even anger, but he persevered in what must have been absolute misery. I so see you as Shackleton - incredibly strong, physically and emotionally, and while you may be pushed to your limit, you cannot be pushed beyond and you will succeed in this journey, this fight. Your silence suggests to me that right now you are on one of the harder, windier, pushes, but I am no less confident at your success.

And, in beautiful contrast to that image was my chance today to hold a 25-hour-old baby - the new daughter of my postdoc, Sabrina, who had been in labor Thursday to Sunday. An Easter baby. And while I'm not big on religion, I'm huge on Spring, and I see life springing up all over Massachusetts. I'm looking forward to seeing picture of you, Julian, and James dyeing eggs, with James fully dipping his hands in the dye, like Elias. His own personal, portable Easter eggs.

1 comment:

  1. O, go for it Katherine! Spring, after all, is a certain kind resurection! One doesn't have to be "religious" to enjoy all that life has to offer in whatever form! We must connect when I get to Maine this summer! You, my dear, are a peach!
