Tuesday, April 14, 2009

light, light, light everywhere!



I am certain that sweet relief is what we are feeling right now reading your words. Everyone keeps telling you to let go of your control, but I think you have found control in the most challenging of times and in just the right context. I am SO proud of you for engaging your mind and talking your body through the days after treatment. You felt empowered and that is huge! Recognize how amazing that feeling is to be in control of your mind and thus in control of your body.

I know it hurt as you said and was uncomfortable and you were weak and tired-this will not change given your course of treatment, but the fact that you can overcome tells me you have the fight still in you.

You are an inspiration, listen to that music and take yourself to that happy place! I can't wait to watch the little video of James tonight! Very impressed you got the video loaded on the blog-that is a first!

The painting above is currently on my desktop encouraging me as I prepared last weekend to jump into the Bay for my first open water swim of the season. More on that later. It now makes me think of you and how you must feel-pushing off the wall of the pool and swimming weightlessly to the surface for some air.

All my love,

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