Monday, April 27, 2009

out of site, but not out of mind

Hi Danda,

I am so sorry to have been absent from the blog as of late. Work had me overwhelmed and I had to dig into training a bit more which has left me exhausted. I haven't even had a minute to read the blog let alone post which has been sad. Tonight I will make my big come back to the blog! I hope this letter finds you well. Quickly saw some pics of you on the site and you look beautiful!

Your followers have been growing as I have just sent out blog instructions to two more people! Below are the words of Pat Webb, who used to live across the street from mom and dad in maine, if you will remember. She asked that I post these words in case she was unable to get on the blog herself so I leave you wither her story.

XOXO and a BIG Hug,

Hi Alexis,

Your Mom sent me an e-mail with Alessandra's blog address.....Hopefully I will be able to get to it. But in the mean time I would love to send her a message of hope. I was diagnosed with breast cancer almost 32 years ago....and am still here !!! At the age of 32...with two little girls. Holly was 8 1/2 and Bess just turned 7 ! I was faced with the fact that I might not see them grow up.....My stubborn Yankee heritage kicked in and here I still am....No one else was going to raise my daughters......Danda has to do the same.....She has to fight for not only her life but that of Julian and their son......It is a tough scary road.....and will always be. But believe me if I can do it so can she !!!! She has her whole life ahead of her plus people who love her dearly !!!! I never had that kind of love and support....But over the years have had wonderful friends who have been there for me. Your parents among them....Tell her I am thinking of her.....Pat Webb

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