Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Running For Life

This is not a marathon, which Danda's friend Lisa Castro has just completed, much less a triathalon, which Alexis is training for, but I have signed on to the Bupa London 10,000 10k race on the 25th of May and will be running for Breakthrough, a breast cancer charity. (Alexis, give me your last 10k time and I shall see if I can beat you - dream on!) There is a wonderful song that Danda has made me listen to called "Running For Life" and if that does not put speed in my stride, nothing will. It should be a hoot running past Buckingham Palace, St. Paul's Cathedral, The Houses of Parliament and along the Embankment. I need some sponsoring for the race so should any of you blog readers feel so inclined to make a small donation, here is the website to do so.

Danda just completed round #7 today and that in and of itself is harder than an Iron Man - a milestone! She is a star!

Love to all of you who write on or read this blog.

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