Sunday, April 19, 2009

We like to call this "connecting the dots!"

Good morning from sunny Sausalito, CA! What a glorious day it is here. Ironically I leave our blinds open on the weekends probably much to Jeff's dismay, but he seems to have adjusted as he is able to sleep right through the sunshine. Most people look at the weekend as their time to shut the world out and sleep in; I am quite the opposite. I leave the blinds open so the sun awakens me and I have the chance to look out the windows at first light and welcome the day. This morning was no exception. Clear blue skies had me up at the moment I opened my eyes. I guess I just don't want to waste a minute of the two days of freedom I am granted every week! The trials of the working class! ha!

Danda, I hope you were able to greet your day with blue skies in your mind and soul! I only wish you blue skies on your gray days!

As Giovanna put it in her last post, your fan base is growing! Since this is the case I thought I would take out a personal ad on you blog for all those looking for a companion.

DSSS- Desperately Seeking Stalwart Soldiers
Blogger aficionado seeks soldiers for war against cancer. Must be willing to share the battlefield with 32 to followers and countless additional snipers around the globe. Must possess positive attitude and willingness to wage war in the form of morale boosting blog posts, humorous anecdotal stories and photos/videos as a window to the outside world when low white blood cell counts keep the General (Danda, that is you!) indoors. If you are up for the challenge please email with exuberance and in turn you will be added to the blog roster and further instructions will follow.

Danda, all my best to you, James, Julian, Chiara, Anthony, Mum and Babbo-your soldiers on the front line!!


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