Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Sei, sei, l'asino che sei!

Do you remember this song? You taught me this song when we were no more than 6 or 7. In my mind we learned it from Chiara, but now I see that, though precocious and always very smart, she could have not possibly be the one who taught us this.

It was one of those songs where you count to ten, and to each number a phrase is associated. You sing each number and its phrase, then you go through all the numbers and their phrases down to one. You do this as fast as you can, and only slow down on number one. In this song, the first five numbers were associated with the nativity scene and religious things, and then after number 4, things went a little more wild. Do you remember? 6 used to make us giggle a lot.

So, this is the song:
Uno uno: bambino nella culla, l'asino e il sol, chi ha creato il mondo e` stato il signor,
chi ha creato il mondo e` stato il signor
Due, due: l'asino e il bue
Tre, tre: i tre santi re magi
Quattro, quattro: i quattro evangelisti
Cinque, cinque: i cinque continenti
Sei, sei: l'asino che sei
Sette, sette: le sette vacche grasse
Otto, otto: Gianni e Pinotto
Nove, nove: l'ombrello quando piove
Dieci, dieci: la pasta con i ceci

So, this is my song to your round 6: Sei, sei, l'asino che sei! Let's let it out!

On a different note, I was happy to read that the hard patches pass. Glad to hear that you read and listen to music. Some time ago, when people on the blog started talking about some music to send you, I was wondering if you still listen to Bon Jovi! You do! Should we tell round 6 "I play my part and you play your game"?

Nah, today I stick with this: SEI, SEI, L'ASINO CHE SEI!!

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