Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Thinking about you...

Dearest Alex,

I woke up thinking about you and realized that you were probably already home and hopefully resting with Julian and James. I am also hoping that all the favorite cast of characters were on board today - especially the Irish nurse - I know he makes you laugh and today I really hope you laughed. I also woke up today thinking about your mom, dad, Chiara, and Julian. It is true that we are given the people in our lives that we need. I know you have just what you need. I smile everytime I think of them and the support you all provide one another.

You have come very very far and soon your calendar will not be marked with the next round of chemo. Soon, it will be filled with those simple, too often taken for granted, but best in life events - "Night Out With Julian", "Music Class with James", Groceries at the Farmer's Market".

I am inspired by the people who are with you on this journey. I am inspired by you. I love you very much

Lisa H.

P.S. Olivia has named her elephant and her bunny Alex. You are becoming more and more part of the family everyday!

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