Sunday, April 5, 2009


You know who this is. Winston, the curmudgeon of Chartwell, the architect of optimism, the teacher of sign language where "V" was the key to the future. Here he is with all his gear, neatly set up by several minions, who, no doubt, lit his cigar, cleaned his brushes and poured his brandy. Here is Sir Winston at ease. But I will bet his brain was not. He simply put it into another gear and rolled along.
I have a odd passion. I adore reading famous, or infamous, quotes. I have books of them and, of course, the Internet has provided a fountain of fodder. Here are a few of Churchill's better thoughts. Interestingly, they may have been taken out of context, but who cares as they are uplifting snippets to ponder.
"We shall draw from the heart of suffering itself the means of inspiration and survival."
"Sure I am of this, you have only to endure, to conquer."
"Kites ride high against the wind, not with it."
And lastly, I can see him puffing on his stogie, raising his eyebrow, allowing the upturn of his mouth on one side in the beginning of a smile, a ripple of amusement gently lifting his broad chest, and uttering this bon mot -
"If you are going through hell, keep going."

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