Sunday, April 19, 2009

Danda! On the subject of skies which is one near to Alexis and my own heart, I provide clouds with silver linings. This was taken on Easter morning at about 7AM half way between St. Thomas and Jost. Chris had to pick up someone and return them to St. John and he asked if I would like to come along. I felt that Nature up front and personal might just be the best way of celebrating the day so dear to the hearts of all Christians. The breeze was blowing, the clougs scudding across the tops of the islands, an errant pelican flew by overhead. It was truly lovely. Chris turned to me and over the roar of the engine shouted " Mum, this is MY church!". I think he has something there - a cathedral of vaulted clouds, a baptismal font of cobalt seas, a nave of sunlight and an aps of islands. Can you see it? Blessings, LSC

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