Sunday, April 5, 2009

Ways to take your mind off what opens the taps

Hi Alessandra,
I am not going to write anything inspirational, I'm just thinking of practical ways to try and take your mind off the present situation. Can you watch movies, read books? Do you have the energy for that?
I'm thinking you could try and do things that don't take too much of your energy but are captivating and entertaining. I'm not trying to say that this would be a substitute for the normalcy you long for, it would only be a distraction to give yourself a break for a while. Being with loved ones is obviously good, but inevitably you talk to them about your worries and keep thinking about them. Time alone is also very important, and very precious now that you have someone looking after you very often, but it is very easy for you to focus on the wrong things when you're alone. I'm thinking that anything that can take your mind off the battle is good when you feel so down. Please, fellow bloggers, give me a hand with some more original and effective idea. My small contribution, for now, is this link to this short video, which I found funny: A huge hug.

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