Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Round 7...?

Dear Panda,

Is Round 7 coming up tomorrow? It's marked for tomorrow on my calendar, but the blog has been so quiet lately that I am not so sure now. I'll think of you in any case, it can't hurt! I'm sure you feel stronger and so much better, after a few good days. You so deserved good days! It was nice to see your pictures from the weekend (thanks Sally for posting them). James was more cute than ever, caught by the flash of the camera like a deer in the headlights :)

I'm posting here a photo of "my" bike path on the way to work that I had the chance to take in the weekend. No, I didn't go to work, Uri and I went on a long bike ride and passed the point where we usually get off the bike path to get to our building. What you see in the picture is the valley as it looks looking back (that is, as it looks when we go back home from work). Nice, isn't it? These bike rides are the highlights of my days. The plants on the left are some of the apple trees (well, bushes) I was talking about a few days ago. As you can see, they don't have any flowers left!

In any case, just wanted to show you how my valley looks after a few days of rain. Green green green and more green. We are under the rain again, but we're expecting the sun by the end of this week. So, you see, there are silver linings under stormy clouds, and bright blue beautiful skies as soon as the clouds lift--and they do lift!

A big hug for tomorrow.

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