Monday, May 18, 2009

1000 Cranes of Hope- The Senbazuru

Dearest Alessandra, Fierce warrior reporting for duty! I feel a bit like Mine the Bird (50-1 long shot who beat the odds!) on the home stretch of the Kentucky Derby-- absolutely determined to share in your healing and well, I've quite a few possible blog entries bursting at the seams. Your battle, as I've learned through reading such loving, honest and true entries bears a striking resemblance to the courage, determination, and absolute marvel that is the young filly Rachel Alexandra. But horse racing is not what I'm here to chat about and there really is no comparison....

Instead, this is a tale of 1000 wishes-- 1000 wishes for your healing. You see, about 5 weeks ago I began working at Millennium Pharmaceuticals here in Boston which is owned by a Japanese parent company (Takeda). Millennium bears little resemblance to the crazy financial services industry which expelled me a few months back (another story but you've had a chapter on that already)-- In fact, Millennium has returned me to the land of heart. Hard to imagine a company capable of doing so, but every day, everyone who enters our building is inspired to aspire to curing cancer (I've asked them to please expedite) and to thinking about all those who we know and love who have been impacted by the disease.

Rather you can see, as I'm going to be an advanced blog poster in my first official blog entry and add a photo (stay tuned)... in our lobby is an ever growing wish-- We've 1000 origami cranes - "Tancho" (the cranes) dipped in silver hanging from the ceiling which have for generations embodied hope, beauty and good fortune. An ancient Japanese legend promises that anyone who folds a thousand origami cranes will be granted a wish, such as long life or recovery from illness. These 1000 cranes are actual rice paper wishes crafted from the handwritten personal wishes of patients, employees, physicians, caregivers and advocates who stand together in the fight against cancer. The display gives me tingles just thinking about it. It is very powerful and effective.

On the day we were invited to write our wishes, I selected my rice paper and began to write and write. The Japanese lady folding all the Tancho's looked at me sort of sideways, but I kept writing sort of quietly suggesting that she keep folding. And then off I went to another room, only to sneak BACK in to select another piece of rice paper, to write and wish again. Repeat previous scene several more times as I gained confidence and determination. Why stop at 1000 wishes when it can be more? Oh did I wish! And wish, and send another wish and then some more! At some point, I think my wish to be allowed to keep wishing was granted and the sideways glances stopped.

Clearly I had something very important to wish about.
And I've read so many beautiful wishes here on Doctor Danda-- and I know that there are more, so in viewing this blog, perhaps we can aspire to creating 1000 entries of hope and healing. Ok, I should probably chat with Alexis about that first, but I noticed that there are already almost 300 and I can only imagine that the total # of wishes for you that have been sent to the universe exceeds that number significantly. In any event, the cranes are there, I did up the sum significantly..... and even have a little surprise to find its way to you....

Sending you loads of love and energy to be utilized as you wish.

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