Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Remember this girl? You probably will not, but harken back to Lincolnville when you were first learning to test children's IQs. You asked me to find you a kid, and I brought Jill Roberts, from the end of the dirt road and into the warmth of our dining room and your personal charisma. You sat her down, explained the fact that you were going to ask her all manner of questions, which you proceeded to do. The task completed, Jill romped home. You buried yourself in your assessment mode and when the job was completed, you pronounced her somewhere near the top of your measurements. She definitely tipped the scale on the really bright side. Here is her graduation picture from Northeastern, Magna Cum Laude, Bachelor of Science in Nursing. That's the "bright" part of her. But the compassionate aspect is far greater. Her chosen place to work is the children's burn unit at Brigham& Womens or Mass. General. It matters not, because the essential ingredient here is Jill and her shining face ready to take on the world in all its aspects. You saw her potential, early on. I like to think God gave it to her and told her to run with it! She has.

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