Sunday, May 17, 2009

Lightness and grace

Hello my dear,
Just staying in touch, especially as I know you'll most likely feel anxious about going in to see the medics tomorrow. Which is also my sister's birthday, and she will be sending you great, strong energy waves as will I. News on this front is that I spent 5 days in Montreal last week, at an international environmental education conference. It was a great experience, culturally to meet so many people from different countries discussing interesting topics. The city itself is very beautiful and easy to get around, and despite my lack of French I managed to get by. I dropped by the Notre Dame Basilica, found a suitable mother and child niche, and lit a couple of candles for you last Sunday. I don't know how much impact that may have, but those warm little flames reflected in their sparkling red, or blue, or gold holders always make me feel a little more hopeful and connected to people I'd like to be with. So I send that light and warmth in your direction, dear Alessandra, just to feed that flame of courage and perseverance that you emit regardless of the challenge. Thinking of all of you, with much love, Nora

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