Thursday, May 28, 2009

Positive Thoughts Always!!


We are all pulling for you!! You will become clear! As I said when we first talked about this you have to!! You have no choice but to continue taking care of James, Julian and all the family, friends and children who depend on you, love you and need you.

You have always been there for us, and we are there for you always!! I can't begin to tell you how hard I am praying and saying you WILL beat this. Of course we can say it all we want, but you are going through this and that is what makes me so sad!! I want this over for you and will do all I can to make that happen. I really don't know what to say, but I love you and will see you soon!!! May all your wishes come true and know we are all there with you through this and will do all we can to make those wishes come true!!

I love you with all my heart!!
you know how much I love you and have obvious concern. You also know me pretty well. So I will be usually frank. I know nothing. This is the only credible statement in this message.
Having said this.
I sincerely suggest, as your informal doctor, to think of the most enjoyable, and in my opinion, comical things in your life.....bring positivity and laughter in your mind which could help infiltrate your it emotional chemo......the body is going through enough, try not to let the mind participate in the insanity.......we will be sharing future times; think of how I willed those Pats super bowl wins.....superficial as it may seem.........I may need to prepare the ultimate floor tantrum....... but I think not, because our collective will and prayers are too great to be defeated........Paintings on the way....

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