Sunday, May 31, 2009


Dear Alex,

Your last distressed post jostled and saddened me a bit and I have taken a little time to figure out what to say. I am so glad that you are feeling more hopeful now and that you are enjoying James and time with family. I also agree that Dr. Plowman was not entirely encouraging and the truth is that he probably does not wish to offer false hope. But, the truth also is that he does not know. All of our bodies are so different and he has no idea of the power that lies in you.

You are like a Lance. It is not about what the scans reveal- but, what they cannot reveal, what they cannot see. You, similar to Lance, have defined your life. You are not the typical patient, you are not the typical anything....So, please keep your faith and your spirit. Dr. Plowman could not give you different results because what you have inside your soul cannot be measured or even detected. But, it is there. Your soul, your heart, your determination matters. You will prevail despite whatever he says because this undetectable life good stuff (for lack of a better word or phrase) is attacking the cancer and will continue to do so.

You are so loved. Please stay strong and disregard any negative view point- just chalk it up to ignorance. Sending you loads of love and positive thoughts.


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