Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Too Much Patience!!

Well, as I said I should read this more often. I missed the whole week-ends drama. Instead I was captured in the bathroom at the Cape where I finally have taken the wallpaper down that has been there for over 20 years! Remember the lovely crazy blue and white paper?

Well by the time you see it next you will be amazed.

I'm so sorry you had a crappy week-end and it was Mother's Day!!! So unfair!!

I hope you were able to listen to the CD I sent and it should have calmed you right down! I hope. Lord knows what it will take, nothing can calm me down so I can imagine you are a wreck trying to work through this!

I have been chatting on line with Julian as I write this. He and I are laughing about his stories. I loved the picture of Julian reading to James. James was so interested! I told Julian, James was saying "boy when I can talk I'm going to tell this guy what is really up" He can always consult Uncle Steve. HA HA. He should ask me and you! So I see how James see's Julian as so funny he really is!! Boy I for one miss the stories and the wall of shame!

So my dear Alex once again we all feel helpless and send the very best we can through cyberspace and can't wait to see you. Have a wonderful time with your Aunt and Uncle and DAMN!! Get this crap out of you once and for all!! I need to see you! I will be waiting patiently for the results! As I say you have had way too much patience! You are brave and way too patient! I don't think I would have it in me.

I love you and hope to see you or talk to you soon!!!


P.S. Did you ever think about taking all these entries and write a book? You really are a beautiful writer. and of course a beautiful woman!!

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