Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Bag is packed. Have book, glasses, credit card, passport, camera, pounds, jeans, sweaters, present for James. I would bring Peanut and Cashew and Peter but, alas, it seems complicated and besides, I want to spend time with you. Time spent, not just chatting and cuddling James, but perhaps just cloud-watching if they are visible through London's haze. I would enjoy looking at a flower stall, perhaps purchasing a nosegay of violets from a lady on the corner of Tottenham Court Road. Is there a boxwood maze anywhere nearby? I have always wanted to walk in a maze, but it must be boxwood. There is nothing quite like the smell of English box. There was a hedge at Foxcroft and the scent used to permeate the early spring Virginia air. Funny, the things that come to mind stimulated by just "nosing" around. You must point me in the direction of your favorite park, large or small. I want to listen to birdsong. Even better would be the chirp of a feathered friend housed in the ivy of your patio. That way we could carry our tea (yours green, mine Lapsang Souchong) out into the garden and just "be". Boy, am I a cheap date. I just want to hug you and hang out for a few minutes here, a few there - whenever you feel like it. And by the way, don't get all gussied up, have your hair done or anything like that. I just want to see YOU! Love, ME

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