Thursday, May 21, 2009

how does your garden grow?


The news was not as you wished...but the news not worse than when you started treatment. Is there a silver lining there? Hard to find sometimes, but I think it is there if you choose to acknowledge it.

I can understand disappointment. I think we all experience it in different ways. I experience it in looking at the "garden" I once that I was growing that has failed me. Or has it? I look at the beds I planted and think maybe I need to make some adjustments-are they all in too much shade and need more sun if I can find it? I look at the eight lettuce plants I planted and see that only four remain. They are small and fragile, but maybe, just maybe will grow if I watch them carefully and give them lots of attention. And then I look to the herbs. The cilantro is all but a weed, but the parsley right next to it flourishes. The chives look like, dare I say, yet another weed, but the thyme surrounding it abounds.

I want to throw up my hands on the whole thing because this garden I dreamed of upon moving to Sausalito is not what I had hoped or envisioned. Giverny it is not! But it is mine to do with what I can. Although I feel defeated I push on caring for what I have left and trying to make the best of it. Perhaps I will plant more seedlings and change my method of caretaking, perhaps I will choose new plants that perhaps will have a better chance of surviving. My reality is altered, but I will do with it what I can. But I will not give up. You will not give up because once the inital disappointment wains you will say this is a new day, a new treatment and a new chance to beat this thing. I know this because you and I are a lot alike-- stubborn and determined! No matter how tired we get we push on because there is a finish line and we want to cross it!

I love you, like I love my lettuce! Ha!


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