Thursday, May 14, 2009

free yourself!


I pictured you in that haircut when you first shaved your head and now my thoughts are a reality. I LOVE that short hair on you. I know it is probably hot and itchy, but it is so chic! I remember all the Barretstown kids always arriving with wigs and by day three shedding them, wanting to be free. I am sure some days you feel much the same way, but you look marvelous darling!

Ahh, the rollercoaster, it is back, but maybe take a break to think about something other than the tests next week and the what if's-since you can control the outcome. Maybe head back down memory lane to Barretstown when you used to welcome the children to the castle with the red door where it seemed anything was possible. Give yourself a week to just be free of it all. With mom and Geoff in town it is a distinct possibility that you can let it all go...after you "let it all go" when you see uncle Geoffrey. wink, wink--his hug will make it all better, I swear!

When you put your mom, my mom and Geoff together you should demand comedy-you know they have it in them. Tell them for each Gilbert and Sullivan routine they do that they can have a glass of wine. That should get them going. Reflect on the fact that you are here. Five months after being diagnosed you are here and should take the energy you have (when you have it) to be here in the moment and not 2 days, a week, a year down the line, but for one week be here and reveling in the fact you are alive. Your humor and spirit never despite your luck never ceases to amaze me!

Get some good rest before the support troops arrive.

I love you!!

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