Monday, May 25, 2009


Dear Panda,

From the latest posts I learned the following:
The WWF mission is to get you to Ithaca. In order to do that, we will all have to get drunk on many Alessandra cocktails. Then your part will be to kick Cartman in the face, or even better hit him from the back, because he doens't play by the rules, and then lie down and let yourself recharge and grow like lettuce. Our part will be to send you all the loving kindness we can, and thus will change the crime rate in London (keep an eye on the news), the water you drink (starting to look a little pinkish? no worries, it will taste better than lemonade), and everything else around you while we change everything else inside you.

How's that for a morning thought? (sounds more like an evening thought after many beers? well, it's not even 7 am here...).


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