Thursday, May 7, 2009


Again it's been a while since I've written. I really should more often or at least read what's going on so I don't have so much to read later. Hazards of not sitting at a desk all day in front of a computer. You know me I want instant gratifacation so I call.
So sorry this round was so harsh! They kept to best for last? HA HA. Nasty trick. Best part is that part is over it can only go up from here.
Love all the pictures of you all. James looks like my favorite doll I have that was my mothers since she was 8. I'll send a picture to you, only some find it a little freaky because it's so old and was made of plaster and has some cracks. My Dad had it fixed for me one christmas because it's my favorite. I call her Suzy, but she looks more like a boy and she too wears blue pajamas. I think I may have shown you her.
So my dear friend keep your chin up, think positive (as you have) and push forward!!! I can't wait to see you and hope this next crap isn't so harsh as we have things to do, places to go and people to see!!!
I love you!!

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