Sunday, May 17, 2009

certifiable :)

Dear Alex,

I'm sorry that I have not written sooner, but I thought I'd let you know how often you remain on my mind and in my heart. I just returned from a trip with Vic, Patrice and Tim, and my parents, to Grand Cayman where I became certified for scuba diving. Although, I've taken resort courses and gone scuba diving in the past, the certification process was particularly frightening...there were a bunch of drills where you had to take out your regulator (breathing apparatus) in the water, and another one (my most hated) that I had to take off my mask and expose my nose (I've learned I'm a nose breather...) and my eyes at about 50feet below sea level....So, as a yogi nose breather, I tended to inhale a lot of sea water down there... :)

Anyway, I sort of took you with me on these self imposed drills for your courage and your strength. I promise I also took you with me for the good stuff too, we saw a lot of pretty fish :), but, I know that what you are going through is painful, hard, not self imposed and very scary. I value your candor about how hard it is and I also value your courage. I hope you don't mind that I thought of you so often last week when I needed some of your courage. I hope that you take me along next week and whenever you need me. I am there for you, and I'm good (perhaps too good...)at the yogi breathing :)

Much love, Julie

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