Wednesday, May 20, 2009

You will find the energy and you will fight

Alessandra, please, breathe, focus on the positive, focus on the positive, focus on the positive. The breast shrinks, the lungs are clear, the base of the spine is clear. Trust the doctor. He knows.

You don't know if all bad cells are supposed to react the same way and at the same speed. Maybe some are just slower. Maybe some only need the boost of novelty to disappear. The new chemo regimen will give them that. It is likely that Dr. Plowman couldn't give you too many details in the emotional state you're in, but he probably expected that not all cells would show the same type and amount of change with respect to Round 4.

I understand how difficult it is to not let your mind wander now. Please don't. Please focus on the positive. Focus on the positive.
Focus on the positive. You will fight this. As Chiara said, it's just a matter of how long it will take. You are not alone, you will not be alone, you will find the energy and you will fight. Focus on the positive.

Hugs and hugs and hugs and hugs.

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