Sunday, May 3, 2009

Charlie turns Three!

Danda, this is the first time I've sent a picture with text. I hope this works! This is the line-up at the birthday party with Charlie in the middle holding one-year-old Matthew, who adores his older brother, as you can see from the look on his face. The cake was a train with marshmellow smoke. Balloons and arts and crafts and toys seemed just the right speed. At three who needs magicians or enclosed trampolines? These are the two NYC grandchildren. Tomorrow I join the other two in Seattle for six blissful days. Meanwhile we're in countdown mode for Baby Heyworth #1 for Jim and Susannah. I'm praying she makes it to Mother's Day so I'm not on the west coast when the baby comes. When I read your comments about James and see the lovely pictures of the two of you, I can tell that he is the most important reason for pursuing the fight and winning. Can there be anything better than their soft cheeks, guileless faces, spontaneous hugs, chortles and chirps? I bet you treasure every aspect of each day with him and he feeds you in a way we adults can't. No time to write more now. I have had some problems with my computer and want only to get something off to you before something else goes awry. Sending innumerable hugs of support and love to everyone there and especially you, the bravest of all and the most loving of mothers.

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