Wednesday, May 20, 2009

An Update.

Dear All,

Have just returned from the hospital. It's been a rough afternoon. The scans have shown little change since Round #4. Liver spots have not shrunk any more, and there are some new small spots there. There is a lesion on my sternum that remains unchanged as does an area on my pelvis apparently. And my lymph node has grown. Good points are that the breast tumor continues to shrink, my lungs are clear, and a spot at the base of my spine is gone. But I am clearly upset and emotional at the news. And very scared.

The next step is that in addition to the oral chemotherapy they are adding a second IV chemotherapy on top of that, which I will be given on Days 1 and 8 of the 14 days of oral chemo. It means being hooked up at the hospital on those days, but only for 15-30 minutes. I get a one week breather after the 14 days, and then we start all over again. The hope is that this new and different double dose of chemo drugs will clear up my liver and sternum, so that we can finally remove the lymph node and breast. The goal is do do three full cycles, starting tomorrow morning, and then rescan. That takes me to the end of July.

Through my tears, I again asked Dr. Plowman if he believed that I would make it, and he looked at me and said, "I will get you into remission. It is just going to take longer." I have to believe that he means it. I have to believe that this is all going to work out. If I let my mind wander, I can't breathe. I held James so tight when I got home, and whispered to him that I loved him with all of my heart, and that I am not going anywhere. He and my family and you all will give me the strength to give this next chapter my all.

Please keep those good vibes and prayers coming. I need them now more than ever. Hugs and more hugs, and a million thank yous for your love and support in this fight.


  1. Dear Alessandra I follow your blog and send you all my strength and positive energy everday. I have read your update and there is good news in there there really is. I haven't seen you in such a long time and through your blog I have met a strong and corageous woman. The change in tactic will get those f****** and build your troops up so they can come charging through with all the strength they need. I can only imagine how daunting it all is but remember what your doctor has said he will get you into remission. I send you all my prayers and all my strength. Un beso muy grande to all of you annie

  2. Alessandra;
    I have been checking the blog all day, praying that you were OK. I am sorry the results were not what you had hoped for but please remember the battle is not over. And even when you're tired and feel you can't take one more step, know that you can and you will make it. I think of you every day, I send you every good vibe I can muster and want you to know you have become my inspiration. When I feel I can't go on, I see you and I know I have to as well.
