Tuesday, May 19, 2009

thoughts from afar

Dear Alessandra,

Shortly before leaving the house for work this morning, I checked your blog to see if there were any updates following yesterday’s scans. I knew you said the results would be Wednesday, but was hoping to see a little note that gave us all an indication of how you’re doing. The tears streamed down my face as I read of your (and Julian’s) fears, hopes and concerns. Samantha and Caroline happened to wander in to the room where I stood in front of the laptop and in her two-year-old way Caroline asked, “’s wong mama?” Translated in to “What’s wrong mama?” I asked them if they remembered me talking about you and, of course, they both nodded, “yes.” (After all, they do credit you with our recent trip to Disney). I simply said that it’s a big week for you and I’m concerned about you, hoping and praying for the best. Samantha proceeded to look at me and say, “She’s going to be OK, mommy.” Out of the mouths of babes! And in my heart of hearts I do believe that if anyone can – and will - beat this…it is you. I can not even begin to imagine the anxiety and trepidation that waiting for tomorrow’s appointment brings. I just hope that you are with your loving family today, squeezing James’s super-adorable cheeks, breathing deep and visualizing positive news from Dr. Plowman. As always, thoughts and prayers go out to you, James, Julian and your entire family. Will be holding my breath until you share tomorrow’s update…and then hoping to shed some happy tears that celebrate some much-deserved good news. Take good care today (and everyday).

Love, Karen and family

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