Saturday, May 30, 2009


Yes, Maine.....the way life should be, has been and will be again in the fall when you come across the pond. You remember this guy? It's our Brit after too much work and too much beer. Julian and gardens just plain go together, do they not? Well, Uncle Peter and I arrived in the dark of night and were greeted with mowed lawn (thanks to Don who said he just had to do it or we could have had the first haying!)and a huge vase of lilacs on the kitchen table , courtesy of Diane. I doubt if you could find better neighbors. I got up early unable to resist seeing what damage our winter intruder hath wrought. Not too bad considering. He was not a raccoon, but a large gray squirrel! He ate the window frame and a slipcover, put his little paws all over the place as he romped through the rooms in search of an exit. Alas, he could find none, and in desperation curled up in the library chair and "went to sleep". It must have been pretty cold in the house, because he was still there (in pretty good shape as dead squirrels go). He was laid to rest with much fanfare in the orchard along with several of Pat's cats, assorted sparrows and a hawk. That accomplished, we have turned ourselves to putting in the screen doors, opening windows, moving the VWs out of the barn and getting out the lawn mower. The pond is full to the brim. No cattails. No goldfish either, BUT do we have frogs!?! It is like listening to the Croaking Chorus from the Frogs of Aristophanese. What a symphony! I bet you can hear them down at Lincolnville Beach! So much for the quiet of the North Woods. The strawberries are ripening in the garden and if you want me to send fresh dandelion greens, I can gather up several bushels! That's the extent of my organic garden. It is good to be back. Such a change from the lala land of St. Thomas. Had an email from the Pastor of our church requesting donations for a certain young lady whose dog met up with a porcupine. He lost the battle and needed 40 stitches. Ouch! Costly adventure to the tune of $300. Might the community help out in these difficult economic times? You betcha! It also seems that old Joe who lives up on Rte 52 is moving, but he's too old to do much. Might some people who have pickups give him a hand tomorrow? You betcha! I'll wager that about 20 show up and make light work of it. Who needs Allied Van Lines and a $2000 bill. And that's Maine. And that's community. It's the simple things that bring such fullness to's the way life should be.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    Welcome back!! I feel so much closer to Alex now that you are back. I feel a peice of her is closer. I do hope to see you!! Please give a call if you get this way, you must stop in. I'd love to have you and your husband come to Wellfleet. Could you pick a time and spend a few days with us? I need that and would love that!! Speaking of Wellfleet is that hat Julian has on in the picture a W hat? He has been looking for that hat. I gave it to him along with a Wellfleet shirt. If it's there he would be so thrilled! I couldn't get him another one. Lisa welcome back and please call me!! 781-738-3094 have a great day!! Eve
