Monday, May 4, 2009

Climbing up the mast together!

Dear Danda,

I´ve been thinking of you so much since your seventh chemo as I´m sure many others have too!  And, of course, each thought has been filled with loads of positive energy and trust that you are walking the path of Healing:) Although these pictures are not of healthy food dishes (next time Alexis:)), I thought I´d put them up as to me they symbolize the joint work of all those who are supporting and rooting for you.  The photos depict the sailors of one of the most stunning Sailing to Barcelona boats...may they remind you of all those who are climbing this huge mast with you.  We will help you raise the sails so that they may fly strong, and fill with the winds that will take you to the safe harbour you are aiming for.  It is ultimately you who holds the rudder and decides on the direction, but we are all making sure the boat stays sturdy and balanced as we ride the wind and waves with full force

Here´s one more quote to add to the great ones you posted last week (hope it´s not too heavy but I thought it´s soooo true):  "Being defeated is often a temporary condition.  Giving up is what makes it permanent." - Marilyn vos Savant

Baci enormi (also from Gin in NY and my Mum!), 

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