Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Most Aggressive Treatment!

My dearest friend,

As I read your update today, I, like all of your friends and family wished I could take this pain away from you. Like you, I was a bit scared about the news. Then, I started to look around at where I was and chose to see my situation as a sign. I was at a Wellness Conference and sitting beside me is a woman I work with, who happens to be a breast cancer survivor. So, you see, I let my fear go and chose to see the fact that I was listening to sessions all day about WELLNESS and the fact that I was sitting next to a SURVIVOR, to be a sign that although it may be taking longer than you too my friend are one day closer to the day you are completely WELL and can call yourself a SURVIVOR! Indeed, you have already survived so much and just as any warrior, with every hurdle, I believe your strength grows.

As I sat there today, reading your post, I shared your story with the woman next to me. She asked me to share with you this thought, which she has learned from her own fight against breast cancer, which is now 5 years behind her. She said that the most aggressive treatment is to never give up, EVER!

So my friend, keep believing and don't give up, EVER! None of us will. We will be here fighting with you until you can say that all of this is behind you.

I love you with all my heart.


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