Friday, May 29, 2009

Embracing All the Good.

Dear All,

Having survived an emotional stretch (understatement!), I wanted to share a few moments of the past two weeks that have brought a smile to my face, for even in the dark times I have regular reminders of the good around me.

  • My aunt Lisa and Uncle Geoffrey came to visit me for a few days. It was such a boost to see them, as it was for my mother, and it meant so much to me that they finally got to meet James. James fell in love with them both, no surprises there (see photos). There was much laughter, especially around the dinner table... they both were an injection of wonderful positivity.

  • I spent a day at Julian's home in Sevenoaks last weekend, surrounded by his family. It was a lovely warm day, and we sat outside for lunch, and then lazed on the lawn, as you can see in one of the photos above. I had not been there since before my diagnosis, having been too weak or prone to infection to travel anywhere. It was wonderful to see everyone (especially my two little nephews) and to have that change of scene in a place that, before all of this journey, would be a regular destination for me on weekends.

  • I saw my mother run the 10k race through London on Monday. There were 12,500 runners, of all shapes and sizes and ages, most raising money for charities. I was so proud, so very very proud, to watch my mother tackle the feat. She ran for me, for Breast Cancer Research, and for all that this journey of mine represents, and it was uplifting and inspiring. She ran the 10k in under an hour, and was in fabulous shape at the end of it. She is a remarkable woman, and she is strong in ways that words cannot fully capture. I have attached a short video we took of her running at the beginning of the race. James was so excited by the whole event!

I ended up not getting my IV chemo yesterday. My bloodwork came back and my immune system was too low, still suffering the effects of the 7 rounds of heavy treatment which, as Alex the nurse put it to me, "You just finished 7 rounds with Mike Tyson... what else would you expect?" Dr. Plowman reassured me that it was no surprise, and that my body needs a little break to strengthen itself again. So, I have continued on the chemo tablets for the next week, and will simply skip the second dose of IV chemo this cycle. We shall be back on track with both tablets and IV combined, for cycle 2 of this series that begins June 11th. Dr. Plowman also prescribed me some anti-anxiety medication, which I welcomed.

I have visualised and visualised, have upped my nutritional regimen (if that is even possible?!), and have regrouped as best as I can. My dear friend Joe's words in his recent blog post (where he described General Grant), have now become one of my daily mantras: "Cancer, I am not willing to discuss terms. No compromises or temporary cessation of hostilities. I demand that you surrender to my will and spirit, that you clear my system, and that you get the hell out of my life."

Here's to embracing all the good.

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