Saturday, May 16, 2009

Chit chat

Hi, Alex -
I'm not writing with inspiration or deep thoughts...just some chit chat cause I miss you and wish we could sit down with a cup of really hot tea (well, yours would be hotter than mine) and share the ins and outs of our days. The big transition around here is that we put our house on the market a couple of months ago and have just made a deal on a sale! Yipes. Now we are kind of freaked out, actually. We want to move just a couple of towns over to get into a different school district, but it is still sad to leave this house that we love, especially since we don't have a clear direction in terms of what house to buy next. Oy, transitions. I can relate to the mixed feelings of hope and fear, clarity of purpose and anxiety about outcomes, that you were talking about when you imagine getting scan results next week. It feels downright bizarre that life can keep plodding along in its apparently normal rhythm in the midst of transitions, when we feel so out of step. But plod along it does...or dance along, as the case was today. Today was Liza's second annual ballet recital. She is so freakin' cute. She was dressed in a very classic little-ballerina pink tutu, dancing to "When you wish upon a star." She was front and center because she seems to have quite a memory for choreography, and all the other little girls watch her to remember the dance. Her long blonde hair, usually tangled and hanging close to her face, was up in a high ballerina bun, and her lovely stage smile revealed her two front missing teeth. Priceless. Once in a lifetime ballerina shots. Sadly, she was NOT interested in having me take photos. I'll post some of the shots I was able to sneek in when I can, but I don't think I got any perfect shots. Ah, well. The funniest dance was the littlest dancers...there were about 15 of them, probably 4 years old, and they were dressed like penguins. Their choreography involved standing on their spots, flapping their wings, wiggling their bellies, and waddling in place, over and over again. There was this hysterical attrition penguin started to cry and walked off the stage to her mom. This upset another penguin who started to cry quietly and was helped off the stage by the teacher. A third penguin started inching ever so slowly off stage right, while another did the same on stage left. Chris was sitting next to me going, "Another penguin down! Another penguin down!" But throughout the whole dance there were three penguins smack in the middle of the stage who were so committed to their little penguin routines, waddling and wiggling their hearts out, all smiles...totally oblivous to the fall of their comrades. Oh, it was a good giggle. Ok. Probably enough chit chat for now. Must try to sleep. Sending distraction and giggles and love - Lindsay

1 comment:

  1. Hi
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