Tuesday, May 12, 2009

the price of admission


The up and down of it all is enough to make you ask to get off the ride and get your money back! But alas you are on the ride and holding on tight and hanging in there and for that you should be so proud of yourself. None of this is easy and believe it or not you are showing great grace under pressure and the selflessness that makes you such an amazing human being. You could throw up your hands and say enough is enough, but you wouldn't do that to any of us or yourself-you are a fighter!

I think of you so often as I run this parallel life to you as I keep training for this triathlon wondering if it is over yet. Albeit a much simpler and easier road it has it bumps. I recently took a digger running down some stairs and gashed the side of my foot and injured my wrist so much so that I had to stop all training for a week while my body recovered. The rest was nice, I will admit, but I couldn't help thinking I was falling behind on my goal. I even felt sorry for myself. Then I thought of you and realized there is a much bigger picture out there-you inspired me! So I am on the mend and forcing myself to recommit my mind and body to my goal which is to finish the race with my head held high knowing I did all I could do to finish strong.

I could tell from your blog post from your hospital bed that despite the very frightening experience of being admitted and monitored minute by minute that you had recommitted yourself to your goal. You said if the medication had me this low and weak imagine what it was doing to the cancer. Your clarity is impressive and I applaud you!

I am so glad to see you back at home with James in your arms-you are good for each other!!

Love you to bits,

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