Monday, May 25, 2009

Intention -- For All Readers!

I am so sorry the news was not all you wanted it to be. It must be such a challenge to find the wind to fill your sails again and again and again. But fill them up, baby. I so believe, like you and everyone here, that you intention to heal, and our intention to help you do it, is a tremendously powerful medicine. Have you ever heard about the study about the efficacy of the Loving Kindness Meditation? The details escape me, so this is far from a scientific report (obviously). But here is the gist. Hundreds of Buddhist monks came to Washington, D.C. for a conference. While they were there they ran an experiment. They spent an entire day (maybe of the slippery details...but the story is better if you tell it with conviction...) sitting together in a Loving Kindness Meditation. This is a silent meditation where you send your thoughts out into the universe with the intention of giving your love and your kindness to yourself, your loved ones, your neighbors, your town, your state, your country, your planet, etc., in ever growing arches. The crime rate in Washington D.C. that day plummeted. It fit no previous patterns, there were no other explanations. There were fewer people doing harmful things to each other that day. Here's another one that drives the point home even further when we are talking about physical healing. Scientists examined water molecules under high powered micrscopes. They noted and documented the boundaries and edges of the cells, the symmetry or lack there of, the clarity versus fog of the water, etc. etc. Then they had people send negative thoughts and words to the water -- harmful intention. Another group sent positive thoughts and words to the water -- healing intention. Those fuckin' water molecules CHANGED!!! The ones that received harmful intention became, well, biologically uglier. They lost boundaries, they lost symmetry, they lost clarity, etc. The water molecules that received healing intention, well, I think you see where I am going with this. They became clear, symmetrical, boundaried, even aesthetically beautiful. If memory serves, I read about these studies and even saw photos of the water molecules in a very cool subway display in Washington, D.C. So, keep that positive intention flowing, Alex and everyone else!!! And as powerful as intention is, there is also something to be said for modern medicine. It sounds like Dr. Plowman is amazing. I also can't help but wonder about something I saw on the science channel recently. It was about a new treatment for cancer that is under investigation. It is an agent that gets transported through the blood, like chemo. But unlike chemo, it is not active in the entire system, and is only toxic to the tumor. The television show was about an Indian man receiving treatment somewhere, can't remember where. I bring it up to see if anyone might know what I am talking about? I know there are a hundred barriers in the way to being able to make use of a new treatment that is still under investigation, but I can't gold back from trying. Anyone? Alex, oh, to give you a hug. I'm sending you all my most powerful healing intention. I love you - Lindsay

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