Friday, May 1, 2009

Mother and son

After breakfast this morning I caught the two of them on camera and thought I should share this lovely shot.


  1. That shot is poster material. It speaks to every every joy and every tragedy. It is the essence of gentleness. Its purity of love. It is measure of time. It is truly when "the cup runneth over". What a shot! Are you the new Cartier Bresson?

  2. Wow! No more words needed.

  3. Well, Danda said that she wanted a photograph of she and James and I think this speaks volumes. It is the most tender of photographs- if the running thing doesn't work out I think you have a new hobby! Love to you all!

  4. Hi Alex, I am a friend of Mary's and she sent this photo along to me today. It really took my breath away and I wanted you to know that you and your family are in our thoughts. James is a beautiful boy. Having never been through an experience such as yours, I can't help but think you may be tired of cancer defining you when there is so much more to you than it. Just know that to that little boy the only thing that defines you is "mama." Much love and positive thoughts, Melissa
