Monday, May 25, 2009

finding calm

Vicki, spoke with Mom this morning and she said you finished...despite the pollen! I can't imagine what that must have felt like. If it's not one thing to challenge you during a race it is another. Congrats on running a good race despite the obstacles! Hopefully you could find some calm in the run after the drizzle improved the air quality? What was it like running for a cause that you raised so much money for? Must have felt rewarding!

Danda, hope that you are doing ok since your first treatment. I hear it is making your more tired than nauseous and I hope that is the case. At least if you are sleeping you can go to that happy place and dream of brighter days that you will have in the near future. Wrap yourself in that turquoise throw and dream of water--be it pool or sea for that is where you will find calm. I am sure of it...

You also have a couple of new friends who have joined the front lines of the blog--Caroline McCabe and Jessica Perez. They will be good reinforcement in the next couple of months! They send you all their best and want you to know that you are on their mind.

Love and hugs,

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