Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Healing Power of Friendships

Oh I love dear Mary's post - the most aggressive treatment of all is not giving up. I also read today that women's friendships promote health, improve prognosis, and lengthen life - research proven!!! (You know me and research.) You, and all of your hundreds of friends and family may enjoy the link, which I'll put at the end. Seemed there was also something in there about the NUMBER of close friends, and my dear Danda, you top the charts on that. I've commented repeatedly how wonderfully astounding is the amount of love on this blog. I also have the special position of seeing how many different people donate to your Whole Foods fund - friends and relations from all countries, from all eras of your life! And some who have not seen you in ages (I have a couple messages I need to get to you!). You touch a lot of hearts, Alessandra, and you can be sure that all those hearts touch you back and heal you. We're all in this for the long haul, and when you need to breathe, there are so many around to help carry you.

Love you,

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