Friday, May 22, 2009


You are cordially invited for cocktails at Doctor Danda's Blog site, any day, any time, to sample an "ALESSANDRA", the latest in the barman's roster of designer drinks. It is a fairly heady concoction, so potent, in fact, that it is guaranteed to boost your immune system as well as create partial anesthesia, resulting in a pleasantly foggy haze. Some who partake may become over-stimulated, while others may be able to handle a second or third without any deleterious effects. The recipe, unlike that for CocaCola, can no longer be kept secret, which, for the benefit of mankind, measures up favorably with some of the greatest drugs ever invented. An "ALESSANDRA" is addictive, BUT has been given global approval by virtually every agency. The recipe is very exact as to ingredients, but amounts can be tailored to the individual which, of course, makes it an ideal libation. The recipe follows:
4 Jiggers of Bravery or Courage
3 Jiggers of Tenacity
2 Jiggers of Spirit
1 Jigger of Calm
1 Jigger of Clarity
1/2 Jigger of Grace
3/4 Jigger of Regret
2 1/2 Jiggers of Resilience
A liberal spalsh of Humor
Serve straight up or on the rocks - Stirred not shaken
Serve in crystal glass of Prayer
Garnish with Love, Hope and Empathy


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